Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Book Sale December 2 and 3 or BUY NOW On-line!

Book Sale December 2 and 3 or BUY NOW online! 

The Shadyside Presbyterian Church Nursery School Board of Trustees is partnering with Usborne Books to host a book sale in the Parish Hall Parish Hall on Tuesday, December 2 (8:45-12:30and Wednesday, December 3 (8:45-3:00).  We are pleased to offer Usborne, world renown publisher of 'high quality and lavishly illustrated books' this year. This fundraiser will benefit the SPCNS Teacher Discretionary Fund.

Want to order books now?  Place an order today by visiting: https://y3713.myubam.com/Event/68932. The online book sale is now open and will close on December 5.  Buy now online and incur a small shipping fee to have books delivered to your home/office. You also have the option to fill out an "order form" ahead of time (if you can't attend the sale in person) and save money by having the books shipped to the school. These books will arrive to the school after the sale is over (likely within a week, so definitely before Christmas). 

Also, teacher wish lists will be available available at the book sale if you are interested in purchasing books for your childrens' classrooms.  Please join the nursery school families in supporting the book fair and sharing in the joys of giving this Christmas season.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Pictures of Fall at SPCNS

Look how we celebrated the change in seasons at SPCNS!  Apple sauce making and tasting, a pumpkin-counting walk through the neighborhood, leaf people collage and art, hand flowers, and even lowly worms and dinosaurs joined us in welcoming Fall.  
Vintage Applesauce Sieve

 Green, Yellow or Red?
Homemade Apple Sauce 
 Leaf People 

Leaf Art Stained Glass 

 Hand Flowers

 Making Hand Flowers

 Leaf Art

Lowly Worm

Richard Scarry's Lowly Worms