Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Friday Night Potluck Fundraiser!

The Board of Trustees of the  
Shadyside Presbyterian Church Nursery School
Invites you to a
Friday Night Potluck Fundraiser!  

When:     Friday, March 7 
Time:      5:30-7:30 pm   
Where:   in the Parish Hall 
Cost:      Family Fun Ticket $20   
             (Includes admission for entire family, beverages, 
             dessert, children's activities and TWO tickets to
             our  annual basket raffle.)
            Individual Ticket $10
                (Includes all the fun, beverages, dessert and
                ONE raffle ticket.)

     This year's activities will include a magician and a basket raffle.
Bring your family's favorite dish to share!
Please provide a Potluck dish to serve 8 or more people using the guidelines below.
Bring an Entree - If your last name begins with A-H
Bring an Appetizer - If your last name begins with I-P
Bring a Salad - If your last name begins with Q-Z
To purchase tickets, please complete the reservation form below and return it to your child's teacher by
Friday, February 28th.  


Friday Night Potluck Reservation Form

Family Name ________________________  Number of Adults ______  Number of Children ______
Amount Enclosed $___________ (make checks payable to SPCNS)

  • Funds raised from this special night will benefit our Scholarship Fund.
  • Additional tickets for the basket raffle will be available for sale the night of the Potluck.

See you there!

SPCNS Picture Day

 John Kitchen, from "i, Simon Photography" will be returning this year to offer his beautiful, fun pictures of the children.  Please look over the schedule provided below to find out when your child's class will be having its pictures taken.  Please note that while we cannot change the date in which your child's class picture is scheduled, your child can still get an individual photograph taken on any of the days listed below.  If you know that your child will not be present on his/her designated picture day, please let Mrs. Lang know so that she can make arrangements for an alternate date.
Monday February 24, 2014
Mrs. Christman's Two-Year-Olds
Mrs. Jones's Four-Year-Olds
Mrs. Callaway's Four-Year-Olds

Tuesday February 25, 2014
Mrs. Christman's Two-Year-Olds
Mrs. Hall's Three-Year-Olds
Mrs. Buchanan's Three-Year-Olds

 Wednesday February 26, 2014
      Mrs. Kozy's and Mrs. Vallejo's Four-Year-Olds
      Mrs. Gianakas's Three-Year-Olds

 * Feel free to dress up for this special day *

Free Vision Screenings

Volunteers from the Blind and Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh will be providing free vision screenings for our two-, three-, and four-year-old classes.

These fun, age appropriate screenings will test for color discrimination, muscle balance, and visual acuity in order to identify possible vision deficiencies that may require further treatment.

Many childhood vision deficiencies can be successfully treated if found before the age of seven.

We strongly encourage you to sign up your child to participate in these important vision screenings.

DATES:       Monday March 3
               Tuesday March 4

Please print and submit your completed application form to your child's teacher no later than the morning of the scheduled screenings.